image by Cafe Royal books
image by Cafe Royal books
Repro show includes many forms of artwork. Text-based, appropriated, drawing, notes, sculpture, documentation, print, publications, multiples, audio, public art…
Some of the work will have been used, published or shown before — some new, unseen or found. The context in this case is the autonomous image, and the collective processes of the project being developed, displayed, recorded and published. Any previous context, meaning or reason for the works included is irrelevant to this project.
All work selected for inclusion in the show is standardised by printing black on ISO-sized paper using a photocopier and being taped to the wall.
The exhibition will be updated and added to throughout the show, up to December 15th. The project will be documented and displayed/archived online.
The gallery will become an experimental space, presenting international works that would otherwise not be placed together. Away from their original context, sequenced, and unified by a simple print process and display mechanism.
Repro Show at the Art Gallery, Hanover Building, UCLan, Lancashire